February 17, 2012

The Dining Room with Stuff in it!

After I finished painting the dining room, it needed decorated. I laid the brown mirror up against the wall that was there before, but it didn't do anything for the room.
So, I switched it out for the white mirror that was in the hallway before- then on the shelves in the living room.

I used these plate holders that I found on amazon.com to hang plates I got from a dear friend for Christmas.
I hung two pictures frames with the girls' pictures that I already had. I thought about painting these- we'll see.

The chalkboard and curtains I already had in the dining room. So here it is...... finished for now.

Just because it is Friday and we need a little Emma love.. she was home when I was working on the room. Addyson was at her aunt's house

Happy Friday! Doing anything fun this weekend?


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